
  • 鍏充簬鎴戜滑

  • 鏉窞瀹濇棴褰╅挗鏈夐檺鍏徃浣嶄簬瀵屾槬姹熺晹鐨勫瘜闃冲尯澶ф簮宸ヤ笟鍥尯锛岃窛绂绘澀鏂版櫙楂橀€熺伒妗ュ嚭鍙d笉鍒?鍏噷锛屾按璺氦閫氶潪甯镐究鎹凤紝鏄竴瀹朵笓涓氱敓浜у悇绉嶅僵鑹叉秱灞傞挗鍗蜂紒涓氥€傚叕鍙哥粍缁囦簡涓€鎵逛笓涓氫粠浜嬮挗鏉挎潗鐮旂┒鍜屽紑鍙戠殑绉戠爺浜哄憳銆侀珮绾х鐞嗕汉鍛樺拰涓€鏀叿鏈夐珮绱犺川銆佷笓涓氬寲鐨勭敓浜у憳宸ラ槦浼嶏紝骞堕厤鏈夎鏂介綈鍏ㄧ殑瀹為獙瀹わ紝閲囩敤鍥藉唴澶栦竴娴佺殑鐢熶骇绾垮拰鏈€鍏堣繘鐨勭敓浜ф妧鏈€佺幆淇濅綆鑰楄兘鐨勭儤鐑ゆ妧鏈紝寤虹珛浜嗗畬鍠勭殑璐ㄩ噺淇濊瘉浣撶郴鍜屽敭鍚庢湇鍔″埗搴︺€傚叕鍙哥敓浜х殑褰╄壊娑傚眰閽㈠嵎鍘氬害涓?.18-1.0姣背锛屾渶澶у搴︿负1.25绫筹紝骞翠骇閲忚揪15涓囧惃銆傚叕鍙稿彲搴斿鎴疯姹傚畾鑹插畾鍋氬姞宸ワ紝鍔涗簤涓哄鎴锋彁渚涙渶婊℃剰鐨勪骇鍝侊紝鏈€浼樿川鐨勬湇鍔°€?/span>
     fuyang dayuan industrial park hangzhou baoxu steel co. ltd. is located in the the fuchun river river, the distance hangxinjing high-speed bridge of hope exports less than 3 kilometers, waterway transportation is very convenient, is a professional production of various kinds of color coated steel rolling enterprise. the company organized a group specializing in steel plate research and development of scientific research personnel, senior management personnel and a high-quality, professional production staff, and equipped with facilities of the laboratory, the domestic first-class production line and production technology, the most advanced ring and low energy baking technology, the establishment of a sound the quality assurance system and customer service service system. the company produces color coated steel coil thickness of 0.18-1.0 mm, the maximum width of 1.25 meters, with an annual output of up to 150 thousand tons. the company can be customized according to customer requirements, and strive to provide customers with the most satisfactory products, the best quality service.
